

Even though moments are lost in the few minutes they happen, the memories they leave behind take root in us and keep us tied to them, like the roots that keep trees tied to the soil. And depending on the way we live these moments, the corresponding memories are created that accompany us, when the moments have become memories.

Sometimes, again, we seek to become spectators of other acrobats, those real ones who acrobat on real ropes and moving objects, looking for themselves through danger. Those alien acrobats acrobat for a living, live to acrobat, and it seems as if they wish to attract attention, to win the applause of the world.

How differently these acrobats look at life, as they approach and depart from the world, as if their own lives have other balances, as if they are unaware of dangers, as, fearless, they defy everything and soar high to soar as if in a dream.

Acrobats are risky souls and restless spirits, dedicated to offering themselves as a spectacle to feel alive. So simply, in a performance of a few seconds, their whole life is dedicated. A few seconds that add up and create moments that balance eternally in time, holding within them every breath and every memory.

Acrobats are rare people but also common, they never stop reminding us of the endless limit of our limits as creatures of this world, a world in which our balances are constantly acrobating.

In a constant test of endurance, patience, speed, the soul that seeks the applause to bear the weight of the world, to magically disappear what keeps it imprisoned, to break the chains and be free, finding again the balance.

Many thoughts sprung up while she herself watched an impressive spectacle of a few seconds, a spectacle that froze time and balanced it in a moment to be remembered.

Acrobats, people continue from generation to generation to balance between time and moment, between illusions and truths, between safety and danger, between light and darkness, between ourselves and others, between the past, the present and the future.